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Please read through the following and fill in required forms


COMMITMENT & EXPECTATIONS: As with any group activity, every participant has responsibilities. Please look over the following items to make sure you and your child feel you can honor the commitment to being a part of a show.

Students are expected to attend all rehearsals they are called for unless prior approval has been given. Failure to do so can result in dismissal from the show. If your child needs to be absent from rehearsal due to illness, please inform the director by 4pm that day.

Please be sure to look over the rehearsal schedule closely to make sure your child has no conflicts with the rehearsals or show dates. If there are conflicts, please let the production team know as soon as possible.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you have accepted a role, it is expected that you will come to ALL REHEARSALS. Absence from rehearsals may result in an actor being dropped from the show. If you must be absent due to illness or emergency, you must call or email the Director before 4 PM of the rehearsal day. If you have a speaking role, you MUST call your counterpart in the other cast and ask them to cover for you.


PRODUCTION COMMITMENTS: Parent involvement is an essential support to producing a show with ECT.

Please make sure you communicate with your committee leader and fulfill your commitment.  If you want to volunteer additional time or resources to the production, simply drop us a note with your name, and we will contact you when assistance is needed.

VOLUNTEER REHEARSAL MONITOR COVERAGE: Parents are asked to help with monitoring rehearsals throughout the production process.


Responsibilities include keeping the kids quiet and focused on rehearsals, reminders to put away phones, monitoring behavior and misconduct. No running in any capacity, no touching each other. Regularly surveying the bathroom area to make sure no one is loitering, gossiping, etc. We also ask that at the end of each night, the kids clean up their area and help put away any ECT materials used.


Please use the Schedule Forms below to sign-up for time slots you are available to cover.


Details are subject to change closer to the rehearsal dates.​

Updated weekly schedules are available on the Message Board page. PDF files can be downloaded from the Actor Access page.


Please check your emails from Liana, the show director, for any changes to the weekly schedule.

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