Thank you for signing up to audition for Easton Collaborative Theatre’s SPRING production of Newsies Jr!
We ask actors to arrive early for their audition slot for a smooth check-in process.
Check-in tasks include:
Sign in
Take measurements
Review audition materials with a Junior Director (optional)
What should I do when I arrive for my audition time slot?
It is important that actors are on-time and ready to audition as there are many groups for our Creative Team to see perform. After check-in, actors are brought to the stage with their time slot group.
For Newsies Jr Auditions, there will be:
a vocal piece
drama reading
a short piece of choreography (mandatory, video provided)
Newsies Jr. Audition Materials​
NOTE: Actors that arrive early before their scheduled audition slot will have the opportunity to review choreography if they would like to with a Junior Director